Twisted Tea  vs Arizona Green Tea: Comparing Two Refreshing Favorites


Twisted Tea - Refreshing with a Kick

What is Twisted Tea? A hard iced tea with about 5% ABV, combining tea and lemon in a sweet blend. Available flavors: Original, Half & Half, Peach.


Perfect for Social Events

Why Choose Twisted Tea? Ideal for social gatherings and summer parties. "Working man's boozy tea" - reliable and consistent with a light buzz.


Arizona Green Tea - Timeless and Health-Conscious

What is Arizona Green Tea? A non-alcoholic beverage with green tea, honey, and ginseng. Known for its smooth flavor and affordability.


Health Benefits and Affordability

Why Choose Arizona Green Tea? Rich in antioxidants from green tea. Affordable and accessible, a favorite for daily refreshment.


Key Differences

Twisted Tea vs. Arizona Green Tea Alcohol Content: Twisted Tea is alcoholic; Arizona Green Tea is not. Flavor Profile: Twisted Tea is tangy and sweet; Arizona Green Tea is mellow and smooth. Usage: Twisted Tea for social events; Arizona Green Tea for daily enjoyment.

Price Comparison  Twisted Tea Pricing: 12-pack (12 oz cans): $15-$18 Single 24 oz can: $2.50-$3.50 Arizona Green Tea Pricing: 23 oz can: $0.99-$1.50 12-pack (16 oz cans): $10-$12

Conclusion Which One to Choose? For a mildly alcoholic refreshment with distinctive tea flavors, go for Twisted Tea. For a soothing, health-conscious non-alcoholic option, Arizona Green Tea is the way to go.

Call to Action Discover your favorite today! Try Twisted Tea for a refreshing kick or Arizona Green Tea for a healthy sip. Enjoy!