Trump Campaign Tries to Fix Image After Black Journalists’ Conference Incident

Trump campaign
Trump campaign, image by Gage Skidmore, flickr.

On Wednesday Donald Trump campaign might not be pleased with the former president’s appearance at a convention of Black journalists, judging by how they are portraying the event.

While the interview, which was scheduled to last an hour but was cut off early by Trump staffers, the former president drew gasps when he accused Vice President Kamala Harris, his likely Democratic rival for the White House, of hiding her Black identity and when he lashed out at a female reporter for being disrespectful after she questioned why Black voters should have confidence in him, among other shortcomings.

He said of Ms. Harris, who has an Indian American mother and a Black father and has always identified as a Black woman, “She was Indian before, but then she suddenly changed and became a Black person.”

Ms. Harris has always embraced both her Black and South Asian heritage. She went to Howard University, a historically Black college, and joined Alpha Kappa Alpha, the first sorority for Black women. Her earliest political victories, starting in the early 2000s, were covered in the news with attention to both aspects of her identity.

Mr. Trump’s comments caused shock and criticism from the audience at the National Association of Black Journalists event in Chicago. His tense appearance was one of the most unusual moments of Trump Campaign, as he clashed with reporters over diversity issues, repeated false statements, and claimed he was “the best president for Black people” since Abraham Lincoln.

Since the Trump Campaign and team never admits to making mistakes, it’s not surprising that after the NABJ issue, they claimed victory and blamed it on what they called “Liberal Mainstream Media Mistakes.”

This statement goes to senior advisor lynne patton, who said that ‘members of the media need to make a decision, and answer if their goal is to unite the Country or further divide us.

Despite the journalists on stage posing challenging questions about Trump’s record, Patton accused them of offering “unhinged and unprofessional commentary directed at President Trump” and suggested that “many media elites clearly want to see us stay divided.

  • In the aftermath of the NABJ panel, the Trump campaign has released a statement entitled: “Liberal Mainstream Media Malpractice.” The statement is signed by senior advisor @LynnePatton

Trump Campaign Statement on Liberal Mainstream Media

“President Trump has continually said that unlike Kamala Harris and Jæ Biden, he’s running
to be President for ALL Americans, and if you’re running to unite the entire Country, you have
to back up with action like President Trump did today at the National Association of Black
Journalists conference in Chicago.
Members of the media need to make a decision, and answer if their goal is to unite the
Country or further divide us, because based on the unhinged and unprofessional commentary
directed toward President Trump by certain members of the media, many media elites
clearly want to see us remain divided. This is unacceptable.
The Invasion on our Southem Border is leading to poverty, death, and destruction
in communities of color all across our Country. Inflation and affordability of everything from
to rent costs is crushing Black and Hispanic wters at an even higher rate than
many other groups. And the endless wars being pushed by career like Kamala
Harris and Jæ Biden is leading to countless Black and Latino lives being needlessly lost.
President Trump remains defiant in the face of media bias and will continue working to make
life better for all Americans regardless of how poorly he’s treated by supporters of Kamala
Harris, and in fact President Trump hopes to win them over in the future with his vision of
retuming success to our Country. To be clear, Kamala Harris has no plan. Joe Biden has no
plan. The Democrats have no plan. They just have a record of weakness and failure. But
President Trump does have a plan, and it’s why he’s doing historic-ally well with voters from
the Black and Latino communities. President Trump alone can fix our economy, secure our
border, clean up our streets, save our schools, and end the endless wars, and if you believe
in these same goals, he welcomes your support in the election.
Today’s biased and rude treatment from certain hostile members of the media will backfire
massively. You would think that the media would have learned something from their
episodes of fake outrage ever since President Trump first came down the escalator in 2015,
but some just refuse to “get it.” This will be their undoing in 2024.”
-Lynne Patton, Senior Advisor

WATCH FULL: Former President Trump fiery discussion at NABJ Forum in Chicago | (Trump Campaign)

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